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Monday, July 29, 2013

Dear Blogku, Achieq rasa malu ....*katup muka* sebab dah lama no tak update blog nih. ada beberapa sebab yer readers ....

1. Kesibukan yang melampau untuk penghijrahan ke tempat kerja yang baru. How i survived with someone who cant accept that im leaving him for goods. Soo many un ethical actions he acted. But it's ok , i believed in Hukum Karma. Allah Maha Adil.
2. Adapting of the new place including of work , environment, colleagues as well as culture. Phewww, alot more to learn. New friends to make. New working relation to built. InsyaAllah i will survive. Thanks to adik2 sexytary, Mimi, Tiqah and Diana who helps a lot for this movement. The new guidance and new direction from new boss as well.   
3. Bulan puasa. Hmmm for working mothers like me , no rest lah. but its ok. life is short so enjoy regardless how tired are you.
4. bz2 menjadi ibu yang berkerja. Puteri keempat dah semakin bijak dan bermacam-macam ragam. puteri2 yang lain juga sedang meningkat dewasa. OMG, she is so demanding now. i guess terlebih makan kismis kot. haha si kenit pelat nih in learning stage and trying an error stage soooooo sabor sabor k achieq. am also worrying about my 2nd princess UPSR in Sept. study study study ...why ? im in need to study of their subjects too. 
I'll try my best to keep updated from now on . Yup another promises... Well at least i have a gut to promise right . 

Ok gtg .......

Achieq feelssss wonderful.

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