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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

kepercayaan itu penting da....

ACIK RASA ....gembira sbb tengah busy tp leh update blog achieq ni. pasal apa ek ? hmm pasal di sekeliling . pernah x you all rasa mcm semua org tak leh dipercayai. it's hard to trust peoplekan. esp . bila you rasa trusted people has breach the trust. unbelievable. i just don't understand why some people like to use other people's name to get out from their problem. or may be from trouble if i can say.

Horror ? experienced ? or may be you are the one who did that too. well, to be honest i seldom did that coz really don't hv the guts to do that to innocent people. eventhough that person is not really have a nice heart. Seldom ye tp bila tengah bengang ada yg kena jugak.

But some people are so cruel and mean....sadly it's among friends . really really sad. Too many people can be actor/actress. which i do not know why ? for me , not to say that im good but i will never do such stupid thing which i think in the end people will know the truth. right?

Allah is great. Achieq percaya doa orang teraniaya akan dimakbulkan Allah. biorlah depa nak buat apa pun sebab depa2 ni lupa bahwa ada orang yg lebih berkuasa drpd depa2 yg buta hati itu. depa2 ni terlupa hari esok, hari dimana anak2 cucu depa pulak....we never know. i will not do the revenge or what so ever but oneday someday they will wake up and realise that they have done wrong to some innocent people and by that time's already too late to seek forgiveness.

Sorry lar emo sikit. achieq pelik orang yang perasan dirinya sungguh berkuasa sungguh baik hati segala2nya sempurna pada dirinya. Kalau depa2 ni rasa depa kaya ada lagi kaya ....if depa rasa depa tuh dah cukup jahatnya ada lagi yang jahat. tapi depa2 ni lupa bahawa tak semua insan didunia nie sempurna. ko mesti ada korek idung gak kan , kentut ko busuk gakkan.... ko ada gak ckp sorang dirikan. ko pernah gak menyumpah seranah orang kan.....sama jer.

Hey !nobody is perfect moron.....

the turth is out there.

Achieq rasa : nak bagi slap sikit kat org2 itu , itu , itu dan itu......
saborjelah aku ni ...istighfar byk achieq !

Friday, November 13, 2009

Apa Khabar semua ler ramai yg baca...tak kisah ler.

ACIK RASA ....nak senyum simpul....heheh sebab lama no tak hapdate blog acik. ya ampun tikus mondok bagai pun ada ni ha. ahh ahh tipu ek tak de pun masih ok lg...

apa nak citer raya dah habis. adalah cite2 masa sambut raya kat opis biasalah if kat opis achieq buat mestilah vavavoom...habis jln jem bagai. oklah citer after raya pun dah...dah nak masuk raya aji punkan. busy ngan anak2 exam......omak eiihh yg mcm study balik arab bagai.."naam"

so acara menqada' kembali lagi.

Dato' S a.ka shafiq 's wedding. caya caya cayalah...dato' S sodaro dokek den. so kita sedaro konolah poie kek muor tu. anak den selected jadik flower gurlz..meriah weh ado jaafar onn ...and rohana jalil. JO nie on ajer, body tak ler gempal sgt. peramah pun peramah, cuma akak cuak sikit ngan RJ sbb botox dia dah nampak dia tak ori ahhhh...tka mcm 'tulin bang" (ala2 cik pon) hahaha .ampun jgn saman den , den takdo duit nak bayor nnt.

Lepas tu, cousin's day out on Sunday. Memula nak pi bowling , last2 pi meronggeng kat pavilion. karok ler apa lg. almaklum ler achieq ni memang manjang busy need to release tension ler. cousin in crime kak ju , hani and miera memang rock . belasah bagai lagu , dangdut pun ada rock pun ad tp yg tak leh tahan lagu balck eyes peas.....gotta get get get..boom boom pow......nak terkencet nyanyi lagu ni melekek2 gelak sampai music pun x dongar. alahai boom boom pow ko....lepaih dah melalak lebam bagai....achieq gi nonton lak.

memula cam torkojut lah pilihan dema2 nak tengok pisau cukur....nak wat camne dah book ticket. layanzzz . kira cite ni oklah tak lah berat sgt...ringan gitu . x bagus utk tontonan anak2 rasaya. nnt semua cita2 nak kahwin ngan datuk....tan sri bagai....susah tuh .

tp fazura ni mmg cute gedik gila...cara ckp pun ada style. yg paling lawak bila gantian oh my god to oh my dior ler, oh my coach ler...semua branded bagai...haa that one mmg leh ciluk...bagus.
yg lelain biasa ..achieq salute jugak maya can danse salsa..cuba if achieq joget dah jadik cam enot lak terseliuh bagai. tak pa janji the spirit tu penting.

oklah achieq tgh trng ni tp trainer dok ckp sendiri lost...hahaha sorry ek nak catch up balik.

bye bye tatatititutu......hingga ketemu lagik.....(bila ? tak tahu le tuh..hiks. )

acik rasa : macam nak balik cepat ler.