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Sunday, November 20, 2011


ACIK RASA ....gembira ramai anak2 kawan achieq dpt results with flying colors. Tahniah untuk anak ton 3A 2B, Kak Pa 4A 1B, amir 5A, su 5A, datin sebelah ghumah pun 4A 1B dan ramai lagi.

alhamdulillah, tapikan achieq tak tahu lah perasaan achieq bercampur baur . Puteri 1 achieq akan menduduli peperiksaan ini tahun depan. sekarang achieq dah dapat rasakan tekanan nyer if fikir tentang ini. apa2 pun i will try not to put her in pressure. take it easy . giver her the best that i can.

This mornig, we talked about the results at her school. and for the first time , she admitted that she must strive the best to get her good results in UPSR. InsyaAllah kakak, mama akan sentiasa mendoakan kejayaan kakak. Usahalah anak ku, tenangkanlah fikiranmu, solat jangan tinggal, fokus pelajaran yang diberikan oleh guru2 dan selebihnya bertawakkallah kita kepada Allah s.w.t. InsyaAllah kakak, i believe in miracle coz you are my first miracle baby. You are genius in what you do, what you say and always be the best in your life. i love you so much.

ok, nanti kita comeback at this entry masa results UPSR kakak tahun depan. insyaAllah.


Al-Manar said...


Don't worry about UPSR next year. One of Pakcik's cucus will join your daughter. A Supermum must stay cool. Assure kakak that she get ten ringgits for her first A, twenty for her second A, thirty for her third and so on. If money is not an incentive then promise something that gets bigger with extra A.


anak ko sama le ngan anak sulung aku.. UPSR thn depan..

risau aku weh!

Achieq said...

Pakcik, thanks for the support. How are you? Insyallah i'll be more cool after this. Indeed , agreed with the incentives tips.

Net, sama-samalah kita berdoa dan study bersama macam kita yang nak periksa.